DSA Day 78/100

DSA Day 78/100

Topic: Strings

Questions Successfully Completed: 1

1) Repeating Character - First Appearance Leftmost


Input: S = geeksforgeeks Output: g Explanation: We see that both e and g repeat as we move from left to right. But the leftmost is g so we print g.
 static int repeatedCharacter(String S)
        /* APPROACH 1
            1- Create Hash Table 
            2- Traverse S and store the count in hash table
            3- Traverse S again and check which character value is >1

        int[] CharHash = new int[125];
        char[] chr = S.toCharArray();

        for(int i=0;i<chr.length;i++){

        for(int j=0;j<chr.length;j++){
                return j;
        return -1;


Thank you for reading :)