DSA Day 27/100

DSA Day 27/100

Topic: Mathematical.

Questions Successfully Completed: 1

1) Multiplication under Modulo


Multiplication under Modulo

Time Complexity : O(1)

Space Complexity: O(1)

Input: a = 92233720368547758 b = 92233720368547758 Output: 484266119 Explanation: Multiplication of a and b under modulo M will be 484266119.
 static long multiplicationUnderModulo(long a, long b)
        // long g= 10^9+7; // doesnt work
        long g = 1000000007;
        long h = a%g;
        long j = b%g;
        return (h*j)%g;
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        long a= 92233720368547758L;
        long b = 92233720368547758L;

Thank you for reading :)