Topic: Queue
Questions Successfully Completed: 1
1) Queue using two stacks | Easy |
Input: 5 1 2 1 3 2 1 4 2 Output: 2 3 Explanation: In the first testcase 1 2 the queue will be {2} 1 3 the queue will be {2 3} 2 poped element will be 2 the queue will be {3} 1 4 the queue will be {3 4} 2 poped element will be 3.
// if s2 is empty
// if s1 if empty
// queue is empty
// else transfer from s1 to s2
// else pop out from s2
* */
package queue;
import java.util.Stack;
public class queueUsingTwoStacks {
Stack<Integer> s1 = new Stack<Integer>();
Stack<Integer> s2 = new Stack<Integer>();
//Function to push an element in queue by using 2 stacks.
void Push(int x) {
//Function to pop an element from queue by using 2 stacks.
int Pop() {
int result = -1;
if (s2.isEmpty()) {
if (s1.isEmpty()) {
return result;
} else {
while (!s1.isEmpty()) {
return s2.pop();
Thank you for reading:)